Howdy! I’m MJ, the gal behind The Modern Eclectic. I’m a recovering perfectionist, aspiring minimalist, queso-addicted dog mom with an infinitely growing range of hobbies and interests and an unquenchable thirst for adventure.

Cooking a meal for loved ones, traveling to a new place, a night out on the town for drinks + live music or a comedy show, hosting friends for game night, hiking + camping in the mountains, cozying up with a cup of tea and a book, a picnic in the park on a nice sunny day… I really do enjoy it all!

I guess you could say, I’m super ~eclectic~. And maybe just a little bit sarcastic ; )

Here I’ll be sharing a little bit of everything – something for everyone. From my favorite recipes, travel tips, and everything in between. My hope in sharing is that you are able to take away something that helps make your life more flavorful, full of adventure, or – heck – even just a little bit easier!

I’m so glad you’re here,

— MJ

If that sounds like you, then you’re in the right place!